Sunday, 23 November 2008

يا الحركي طاع فرنسا

I often recall my mum and dad's stories about the Algerian war, saying how women have been raped or how the pregnant ones had their foetuses taken out of their wombs while they were still developing, how shuyukh had been murdered for teaching Islam and Arabic to little kids usually in hidden places, for them not to be caught. France did not want the Algerian people to get to know about their origins, their language(s). Their ultimate goal was to wipe all our history out and replace it with their own ideologies, religion (there christianity) and language.
The French military had the habit of banging people's doors and arresting youth on the grounds that they were "terrorists" working for the FLN.
They tried for more than a whole century to transform Algeria and Algerians but they failed with the grace of Allah, their plans failed.
The Algerian people was suffering yet Algerians were compassionate towards each other, they often did not have anything to provide their family with, yet they shared everything they had, the poorest from among them was donating his salary to the mujahideen. It was a people that united and helped itself with Allah's mercy and despite the obstacles, the country was united upon the banner of Islam and nothing counted more than liberating the country of the unbelievers.
Many Algerians who lived this period would say it was almost a blessed time, they were tested with the biggest of test but this had not diminished their belief, on the contrary they were very devoted and were ready to do anything to help each other.

However, in a nation, there is also another party. This is what is known as the 7arka-Harka/Harki/Beya3- those who sold their souls and the country to the ennemy. They were Algerians by origin and wanted France to take over.
When the Turks gave Algeria to France, after they had lost all possibility to pay off the due to the French, the country got into the hands of another ennemy and there came, I believe, the worse time, Algeria has ever known.
Let's go back to the French now. These baya3een, were rudest than the French military, they would sell a baby if it was for a French cause, according to some people, the 7arkis would push the French to arrest such and such, they had their connections and sources and sometimes knew who was doing what, who was against them and who wasn't.

Well this is a very brief intro with a very few bits of pieces from what I know.
People often say that history should be forgotten in order to build a better future but in our case, they simply corrupted the whole country up till now.

You must be thinking "up till now?", yes, they are still there, colonising us but in a non-physical way, rather in an indirect way.

I am here going on about this article that got me quite upset when I read it. I support the hearing of two sides but there, showing these people, who are proud of what they have done, crying about how they live in poor places and how France did not give them what they promised them. Well, I am sorry but no human being would accept on its soil some rejected dirt who betrayed their motherland in exchange of some uncertain future.

Anyways, beside how I felt, it's well known that some French officials spoke about how they could not take in the country, people who went against their own people, they said "one day they'll do the same to us". I got to know such people and their kids are usually refered as "bnt/wlid al harki", we generaly don't marry these people, nor do we mix with them but of course this is not applied by everybody.

Just wanna add that these people have not been a shame to us or the country, but to their own selves. They did wrong to their own souls and fought Islam by the same, shame on them and their bloody pride, they should be hiding somewhere in a lost land and not show their faces again to the whole world.

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